
Sungazing is the first piece in a new series that focuses on various phenomena of light. I am interested in the interpretation of experiences that happen outside our “cone of vision” or understanding of optics. Misunderstood light phenomenon has been documented for centuries. The Ashen Light of Venus, Will-o’-the-Wisp, and the “green flash” are all examples of light phenomena that have either been attributed to a supernatural cause, or are still not completely understood. Rare and unusual light phenomena have inspired everything from fantastical writings to discoveries in science. Sungazing attempts to mesmerize the viewer with its slow transitions from “day to night”, while cycling through the visible spectrum on the sphere. Just outside the “cone of vision”, one can experience strange scintillating situations and quickly changing afterimages. Staring directly into the sun has been part of various spiritual and medical practices in the past. The Bates method, for example, was proposed as an alternative way to improve eyesight by various means which included staring into the sun for prolonged periods of time. The audio that accompanies Sungazing is borrowed from NASA’s approximation of what the Sun would sound like based on vibrations and waves detected within it.



This transmission, taken from the Spectral Lander, shows two Chromanauts wandering through the thick layers of the plasmatic atmosphere.


Spectral Breathing Apparatus

This Chromanaut has yet to find the correct setting on his SBA. Inhaling hues incorrectly can drastically alter the way you visualize your surroundings.


A ring of moons

The ring of moons is a symbolic image discovered in a dream and referenced throughout my work. It serves as both background and destination. The Chromanauts use it to navigate during their journeys.


Lucid Geometric Phosphene (Red Shift)

Entering a hypnogogic state can be eerily similar to analyzing the wavelengths of light emitted from moving objects.


Zism Prism

All of this is tied together (then torn apart) by the Chromanauts. They are empirical spectrals. They are the ones who have these experiences. This is their phenomenom. THEY act as scientist/artists. THEY find “objects”. THEY create taxonomies from the discovered “imagined” specimens. THEY travel to the grandest inner-spaces, and use the metric system. Their pineal glands are producing enough melatonin for years of much needed quiescence. Most of the light they experience is either noctilucent or as phosphenes. One particular Chromanaut, referred to as Zism Prism, is mischievous, devious, and eerily optimistic. She claims her smile is stuck and that she cannot go back to your Frownland. Her ability to diffuse clouds and realize the endless sky is encouraging.


Lucid Geometric Phosphene (Blue Shift)

Entering a hypnogogic state can be eerily similar to analyzing the wavelengths of light emitted from moving objects.